I’ve spoken at events all around the world - and may be speaking at an event near you soon!

One of my favorite ways to share my ideas is live on stage (or on video conference), where there’s so much more communication bandwidth than there is in writing, and I love podcast interviews because they give me the opportunity to answer questions instead of just present my opinions.

Past Events

AI Practical Prompt Engineering Masterclass

AI Masterclass Series, launching November 16th, 2023

Join me for this upcoming masterclass where we will dive deep into the world of Generative AI. We will explore the fundamental concepts of Generative AI, its practical applications in various industries, and focus on the art of Practical Prompt Engineering.

Vaya Valet Software Launch

Black in Tech, April 2023

Announced the official launch of Vaya Valet, a revolutionary software-as-a-service platform for valet operators, revolutionizing the industry.

Advancements in Generative AI

AI Innovators Conference, June 2022

Presented the latest breakthroughs and applications in Generative AI, showcasing innovative research and real-world use cases.

Innovations in Software Consulting

Tech Leaders Forum, September 2022

Shared insights and strategies on how to innovate and excel in the competitive field of software consulting, focusing on delivering exceptional client value.

Applied R&D for AI Solutions

Tech Summit, November 2021

Led a workshop on practical approaches to research and development for AI-driven solutions, emphasizing hands-on techniques and best practices.

Unified Operating Systems Workshop

Tel Aviv Tech Workshop, March 2020

Led a workshop in Tel Aviv, Israel, focusing on the development and implementation of unified operating systems for Kramer Electronics products.